onsdag 8 maj 2013

Intressant sommarskola - Disability law

I sommar finns en intressant sommarskola för olika aktörer inom funktionshinderområdet, funktionshinderforskare i Galway på Irland. Mer info och länk finns nedan. Intressant inititativ!

5th International Disability Law Summer School –Voice & Choice.  17-22 June 2013, Galway.

The largest and best attended Summer School on international disability law will again bring together leading international activists, policy-influencers and others connected with the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  The theme this year will be VOICE (restoring full legal capacity) and CHOICE (achieving community living in accordance with the wishes and preferences of the person).  No prior knowledge of the convention or law is required.  The programme will have many practical exercises to get participants thinking about the meaning of the convention and its practical relevance.  The teaching faculty is drawn from around the world and includes many involved in drafting the convention.  Participants usually come from over 20 countries including Africa and Asia which is a learning opportunity in itself.  This event is open to all and especially those interested in strategies to give power back to people with disabilities over their own lives.
Weblink: http://www.nuigalway.ie/cdlp/Summer_School_2013/summer_school_2013_info.html 

Date/Time: Monday 17 June – June 22 2013. Venue: Aras Moyola, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Contact: disabilitysummerscho@nuigalway.ie

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